How does throttling work?

Throttling depends on the authentication method you are using:


Each key/secret pair has the following limitations across all Keap applications they are used to access:

  • 1500 Queries per Minute
  • 150000 Queries per Day (This daily quota resets at 12:00 AM UTC each day)

We return Headers on every call you make to keep you up-to-date on exactly where your quota and throttles stand. You can find details and code examples for making us of the information at API Token Quota and Usage Measurements.

Personal Access Tokens or Service Account Keys

Each key has the following limitations and may only access it’s single authorized Keap application:

  • 10 Queries per Second
  • 240 Queries per Minute
  • 30000 Queries per Day (This daily quota resets at 12:00 AM UTC each day)

We return Headers on every call you make to keep you up-to-date on exactly where your quota and throttles stand. You can find details and code examples for making us of the information at API Token Quota and Usage Measurements.

Posted in: API