Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Keap REST Core Service
Retrieves profile/company info for an account.
object (ContactAddress) | |
business_goals | Array of strings The goals of this business, ie. Grow Business, Convert more leads |
business_primary_color | string |
business_secondary_color | string |
business_type | string The type of business |
currency_code | string |
string | |
language_tag | string |
logo_url | string |
name | string |
phone | string |
phone_ext | string |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "business_goals": [
- "string"
], - "business_primary_color": "string",
- "business_secondary_color": "string",
- "business_type": "string",
- "currency_code": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "language_tag": "string",
- "logo_url": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "phone_ext": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
Updates profile/company info for an account.
object (ContactAddress) | |
business_goals | Array of strings The goals of this business, ie. Grow Business, Convert more leads |
business_primary_color | string |
business_secondary_color | string |
business_type | string The type of business |
currency_code | string |
string | |
language_tag | string |
logo_url | string |
name | string |
phone | string |
phone_ext | string |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
object (ContactAddress) | |
business_goals | Array of strings The goals of this business, ie. Grow Business, Convert more leads |
business_primary_color | string |
business_secondary_color | string |
business_type | string The type of business |
currency_code | string |
string | |
language_tag | string |
logo_url | string |
name | string |
phone | string |
phone_ext | string |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "business_goals": [
- "string"
], - "business_primary_color": "string",
- "business_secondary_color": "string",
- "business_type": "string",
- "currency_code": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "language_tag": "string",
- "logo_url": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "phone_ext": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "business_goals": [
- "string"
], - "business_primary_color": "string",
- "business_secondary_color": "string",
- "business_type": "string",
- "currency_code": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "language_tag": "string",
- "logo_url": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "phone_ext": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
Retrieves a list of all affiliates
code | string Optional affiliate parent ID to query on |
contact_id | string Optional contact ID to query on |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
name | string Optional affiliate name to query on |
offset | integer <int32> Count to offset the returned results by |
order | string Enum: "id" "name" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
parent_id | string Optional affiliate code to query on |
program_id | string Optional affiliate program ID to query on |
status | string Enum: "active" "inactive" Optional affiliate status to query on |
Array of objects (Affiliate) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "affiliates": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notify_on_lead": true,
- "notify_on_sale": true,
- "parent_id": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "track_leads_for": 0
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Create a single affiliate
code required | string |
contact_id required | integer <int64> |
name | string |
notify_on_lead | boolean |
notify_on_sale | boolean |
parent_id | integer <int64> |
password required | string |
status | string Enum: "active" "inactive" |
track_leads_for | integer <int32> |
code | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
id | integer <int64> |
name | string |
notify_on_lead | boolean |
notify_on_sale | boolean |
parent_id | integer <int64> |
status | string |
track_leads_for | integer <int32> |
{- "code": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notify_on_lead": true,
- "notify_on_sale": true,
- "parent_id": 0,
- "password": "string",
- "status": "active",
- "track_leads_for": 0
{- "code": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notify_on_lead": true,
- "notify_on_sale": true,
- "parent_id": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "track_leads_for": 0
Retrieve a list of Commissions based on Affiliate or Date Range
affiliateId | integer <int64> Affiliate to retrieve commissions for |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
order | string Value: "DATE_EARNED" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
Array of objects (AffiliateCommission) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "commissions": [
- {
- "amount_earned": 0,
- "contact_first_name": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "contact_last_name": "string",
- "date_earned": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "invoice_id": 0,
- "product_name": "string",
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "sold_by_first_name": "string",
- "sold_by_last_name": "string"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Get the custom fields for the Affiliate object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Retrieve a list of Commission Programs
affiliate_id | integer <int64> Id of the affiliate you would like programs for |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Count to offset the returned results by |
order | string Enum: "id" "name" "priority" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (AffiliateProgram) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "programs": [
- {
- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "priority": 0
Retrieves a list of all affiliate redirects
affiliate_id | string Affiliate ID to search by |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Count to offset the returned results by |
order | string Enum: "id" "name" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (AffiliateRedirect) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "redirects": [
- {
- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "local_url_code": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "program_ids": [
- 0
], - "redirect_url": "string"
Retrieves a list of affiliate summaries
affiliate_ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] Ids of the affiliates you would like a summary for |
order | string Enum: "affiliate_id" "amount_earned" "balance" "clawbacks" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
count | integer <int32> |
Array of objects (AffiliateSummary) |
{- "count": 0,
- "summaries": [
- {
- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "amount_earned": 0,
- "balance": 0,
- "clawbacks": 0
Retrieves a list of all affiliate clawbacks
affiliateId required | string affiliateId |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Count to offset the returned results by |
order | string Value: "DATE_EARNED" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
since | string Optional inclusive start date |
until | string Optional inclusive end date |
Array of objects (RestAffiliateClawback) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "clawbacks": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "contact_id": 0,
- "date_earned": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "invoice_id": 0,
- "product_name": "string",
- "sale_affiliate_id": 0,
- "sold_by_family_name": "string",
- "sold_by_given_name": "string",
- "subscription_plan_name": "string"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Retrieves a list of all affiliate payments
affiliateId required | integer <int64> affiliateId |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Count to offset the returned results by |
order | string Enum: "ID" "DATE" "AMOUNT" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
since | string Inclusive start date |
until | string Inclusive end date |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
Array of objects (RestAffiliatePayment) | |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "notes": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "previous": "string"
Retrieve a single affiliate
id required | integer <int64> id |
code | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
id | integer <int64> |
name | string |
notify_on_lead | boolean |
notify_on_sale | boolean |
parent_id | integer <int64> |
status | string |
track_leads_for | integer <int32> |
{- "code": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notify_on_lead": true,
- "notify_on_sale": true,
- "parent_id": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "track_leads_for": 0
Access Appointment objects stored in Keap Max Classic. Appointment objects stored in Keap Pro or Keap Max are not available via these methods.
Retrieves all appointments for the authenticated user
contact_id | integer <int64> Optionally find appointments with a contact |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
Array of objects (Appointment) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
sync_token | string |
{- "appointments": [
- {
- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "sync_token": "string"
Creates a new appointment as the authenticated user
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
Get the custom fields for the Appointment object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Adds a custom field of the specified type and options to the Appointment object.
field_type required | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
group_id | integer <int64> An optional tab group to place the field under in the interface. If not specified, will default to the 'Custom Fields' tab. |
label required | string |
Array of objects (CreateRestCustomFieldOption) | |
user_group_id | integer <int64> An optional user group to choose from when selecting values for User or UserListBox fields. |
default_value | string |
field_name | string |
field_type | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
id | integer <int64> |
label | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldOption) | |
{- "field_type": "Currency",
- "group_id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "user_group_id": 0
{- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
Retrieves a specific appointment with respect to user permissions. The authenticated user will need the "can view all records" permission for Task/Appt/Notes
appointmentId required | integer <int64> appointmentId |
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
Replaces all values of a given appointment
appointmentId required | integer <int64> appointmentId |
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
Deletes the specified appointment
appointmentId required | integer <int64> appointmentId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Updates the provided values of a given appointment
appointmentId required | integer <int64> appointmentId |
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
contact_id | integer <int64> Required for pop-up reminders |
description | string |
end_date required | string <date-time> |
location | string |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. Acceptable values are [5,10,15,30,60,120,240,480,1440,2880] |
start_date required | string <date-time> |
title required | string |
user | integer <int64> Required only for pop-up reminders |
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "end_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "location": "string",
- "remind_time": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "user": 0
Retrieves all campaigns for the authenticated user
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
order | string Enum: "id" "name" "published_date" "completed_contact_count" "active_contact_count" "date_created" "last_updated" "category" "status" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
search_text | string Optional text to search |
Array of objects (Campaign) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "campaigns": [
- {
- "created_by_global_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "error_message": "string",
- "goals": [
- {
- "historical_contact_counts": {
- "24_hours": 0,
- "30_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "next_sequence_ids": [
- 0
], - "previous_sequence_ids": [
- 0
], - "type": "WebForm"
], - "id": 0,
- "locked": true,
- "name": "string",
- "published_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "published_status": true,
- "published_time_zone": "string",
- "sequences": [
- {
- "active_contact_count": 0,
- "active_contact_count_completed": 0,
- "historical_contact_count": {
- "24_hours": 0,
- "30_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "paths": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "next_item_id": 0,
- "previous_item_id": 0,
- "type": "NULL"
], - "time_zone": "string"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Achieves API goal for campaigns with matching integration, callName for a given contactId
callName required | string callName |
integration required | string integration |
contact_id required | integer <int64> |
campaign_id | integer <int64> |
goal_id | integer <int64> |
message | string |
success | boolean |
{- "contact_id": 0
[- {
- "campaign_id": 0,
- "goal_id": 0,
- "message": "string",
- "success": true
Retrieves a single campaign
campaignId required | integer <int64> campaignId |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of Campaign properties to include in the response. (The fields |
active_contact_count | integer <int32> |
completed_contact_count | integer <int32> |
created_by_global_id | integer <int64> |
date_created | string <date-time> |
error_message | string |
Array of objects (Goal) | |
id | integer <int64> |
locked | boolean |
name | string |
published_date | string <date-time> |
published_status | boolean |
published_time_zone | string |
Array of objects (Sequence) | |
time_zone | string |
{- "active_contact_count": 0,
- "completed_contact_count": 0,
- "created_by_global_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "error_message": "string",
- "goals": [
- {
- "historical_contact_counts": {
- "24_hours": 0,
- "30_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "next_sequence_ids": [
- 0
], - "previous_sequence_ids": [
- 0
], - "type": "WebForm"
], - "id": 0,
- "locked": true,
- "name": "string",
- "published_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "published_status": true,
- "published_time_zone": "string",
- "sequences": [
- {
- "active_contact_count": 0,
- "active_contact_count_completed": 0,
- "historical_contact_count": {
- "24_hours": 0,
- "30_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "paths": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "items": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "next_item_id": 0,
- "previous_item_id": 0,
- "type": "NULL"
], - "time_zone": "string"
Adds a list of contacts to a campaign sequence Response contains a map of the provided list of Contact Ids related to their individual result.
campaignId required | integer <int64> campaignId |
sequenceId required | integer <int64> sequenceId |
ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
property name* additional property | string |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Removes a list of contacts from a campaign sequence
campaignId required | integer <int64> campaignId |
sequenceId required | integer <int64> sequenceId |
ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Adds a single contact to a campaign sequence
campaignId required | integer <int64> campaignId |
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
sequenceId required | integer <int64> sequenceId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Removes a single contact from a campaign sequence
campaignId required | integer <int64> campaignId |
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
sequenceId required | integer <int64> sequenceId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Retrieves a list of all companies
company_name | string Optional company name to query on |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of Company properties to include in the response. (Fields such as |
order | string Enum: "id" "date_created" "name" "email" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
Array of objects (Company) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "companies": [
- {
- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_address": "string",
- "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "fax_number": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "id": 0,
- "notes": "string",
- "phone_number": {
- "extension": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "website": "string"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Creates a new company as the authenticated user. NB: Company must contain at least the company name. The country_code
is required if region
is specified.
You may opt-in or mark a Company as Marketable by including the following field in the request JSON with an opt-in reason. (This field is also shown in the complete request body sample.) The reason you provide here will help with compliance. Example reasons: "Customer opted-in through webform", "Company gave explicit permission."
"opt_in_reason": "your reason for opt-in"
Note that the email address status will only be updated to unconfirmed (marketable) for email addresses that are currently in the following states: Unengaged Marketable Unengaged Non-Marketable Non-Marketable Opt-Out: Manual All other existing statuses e.g. List Unsubscribe, Opt-Out System etc will remain non-marketable and in their existing state.
object (CompanyAddress) | |
company_name required | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
email_address | string |
object (CompanyFaxNumber) | |
notes | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (CompanyPhoneNumber) | |
website | string |
object (CompanyAddress) | |
company_name | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
email_address | string |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
object (CompanyFaxNumber) | |
id | integer <int64> |
notes | string |
object (CompanyPhoneNumber) | |
website | string |
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_address": "string",
- "fax_number": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "notes": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "phone_number": {
- "extension": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "website": "string"
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_address": "string",
- "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "fax_number": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "id": 0,
- "notes": "string",
- "phone_number": {
- "extension": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "website": "string"
Get the custom fields and optional properties for the Company object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Retrieves a single company
companyId required | integer <int64> companyId |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of Company properties to include in the response. (Fields such as |
object (CompanyAddress) | |
company_name | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
email_address | string |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
object (CompanyFaxNumber) | |
id | integer <int64> |
notes | string |
object (CompanyPhoneNumber) | |
website | string |
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_address": "string",
- "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "fax_number": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "id": 0,
- "notes": "string",
- "phone_number": {
- "extension": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "website": "string"
Updates a company with only the values provided in the request.
You may opt-in or mark a Company as Marketable by including the following field in the request JSON with an opt-in reason. (This field is also shown in the complete request body sample.) The reason you provide here will help with compliance. Example reasons: "Customer opted-in through webform", "Company gave explicit permission."
"opt_in_reason": "your reason for opt-in"
Note that the email address status will only be updated to unconfirmed (marketable) for email addresses that are currently in the following states: Unengaged Marketable Unengaged Non-Marketable Non-Marketable Opt-Out: Manual All other existing statuses e.g. List Unsubscribe, Opt-Out System etc will remain non-marketable and in their existing state.
companyId required | integer <int64> companyId |
object (CompanyAddress) | |
company_name required | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
email_address | string |
object (CompanyFaxNumber) | |
notes | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (CompanyPhoneNumber) | |
website | string |
object (CompanyAddress) | |
company_name | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
email_address | string |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
object (CompanyFaxNumber) | |
id | integer <int64> |
notes | string |
object (CompanyPhoneNumber) | |
website | string |
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_address": "string",
- "fax_number": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "notes": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "phone_number": {
- "extension": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "website": "string"
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_address": "string",
- "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "fax_number": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "id": 0,
- "notes": "string",
- "phone_number": {
- "extension": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "website": "string"
Retrieves a list of all contacts
string Optional email address to query on | |
family_name | string Optional last name or surname to query on |
given_name | string Optional first name or forename to query on |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of Contact properties to include in the response. (Some fields such as |
order | string Enum: "id" "date_created" "last_updated" "name" "firstName" "email" Attribute to order items by |
order_direction | string Enum: "ASCENDING" "DESCENDING" How to order the data i.e. ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) |
since | string Date to start searching from on LastUpdated ex. |
until | string Date to search to on LastUpdated ex. |
Array of objects (RestPartialContact) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "contacts": [
- {
- "ScoreValue": "string",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "id": 0
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Creates a new contact or updates a contact as the authenticated user. NB: New Contacts must contain at least one item in email_addresses
or phone_numbers
and country_code
is required if region
is specified. Existing Contacts are updated with only the values provided in the request. Accepts a duplicate_option
which performs duplicate checking by one of the following options: Email
, EmailAndName
, if a match is found using the option provided, the existing contact will be updated. If an existing contact was not found using the duplicate_option
provided, a new contact record will be created.
You may opt-in or mark a Contact as Marketable by including the following field in the request JSON with an opt-in reason. (This field is also shown in the complete request body sample.) The reason you provide here will help with compliance. Example reasons: "Customer opted-in through webform", "Contact gave explicit permission."
"opt_in_reason": "your reason for opt-in"
Note that the email address status will only be updated to unconfirmed (marketable) for email addresses that are currently in the following states: Unengaged Marketable Unengaged Non-Marketable Non-Marketable Opt-Out: Manual All other existing statuses e.g. List Unsubscribe, Opt-Out System etc will remain non-marketable and in their existing state.
This API only supports a subset of valid timezones. A list of the supported timezones can be found here.
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (RequestCompanyReference) | |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
job_title | string |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (CreateContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
duplicate_option | string Enum: "Email" "EmailAndName" |
ScoreValue | string |
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (CompanyReference) | |
company_name | string |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
id | integer <int64> |
job_title | string |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (ContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (Relationship) | |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
tag_ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
{- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "id": 0
}, - "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "job_title": "string",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string",
- "duplicate_option": "Email"
{- "ScoreValue": "string",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "id": 0
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "relationships": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "linked_contact_id": 0,
- "relationship_type_id": 0
], - "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "tag_ids": [
- 0
], - "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
Creates a new contact as the authenticated user. NB: Contact must contain at least one item in email_addresses
or phone_numbers
and country_code
is required if region
is specified.
Please see the body schema for updates to the postal code field.
You may opt-in or mark a Contact as Marketable by including the following field in the request JSON with an opt-in reason. (This field is also shown in the complete request body sample.) The reason you provide here will help with compliance. Example reasons: "Customer opted-in through webform", "Contact gave explicit permission."
"opt_in_reason": "your reason for opt-in"
Note that the email address status will only be updated to unconfirmed (marketable) for email addresses that are currently in the following states: Unengaged Marketable Unengaged Non-Marketable Non-Marketable Opt-Out: Manual All other existing statuses e.g. List Unsubscribe, Opt-Out System etc will remain non-marketable and in their existing state.
This API only supports a subset of valid timezones. A list of the supported timezones can be found here.
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (RequestCompanyReference) | |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
job_title | string |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (CreateContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
ScoreValue | string |
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (CompanyReference) | |
company_name | string |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
id | integer <int64> |
job_title | string |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (ContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (Relationship) | |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
tag_ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
{- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "id": 0
}, - "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "job_title": "string",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
{- "ScoreValue": "string",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "id": 0
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "relationships": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "linked_contact_id": 0,
- "relationship_type_id": 0
], - "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "tag_ids": [
- 0
], - "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
Get the custom fields and optional properties for the Contact object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Adds a custom field of the specified type and options to the Contact object.
field_type required | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
group_id | integer <int64> An optional tab group to place the field under in the interface. If not specified, will default to the 'Custom Fields' tab. |
label required | string |
Array of objects (CreateRestCustomFieldOption) | |
user_group_id | integer <int64> An optional user group to choose from when selecting values for User or UserListBox fields. |
default_value | string |
field_name | string |
field_type | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
id | integer <int64> |
label | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldOption) | |
{- "field_type": "Currency",
- "group_id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "user_group_id": 0
{- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
Deletes the specified contact.
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Updates a contact with only the values provided in the request.
You may opt-in or mark a Contact as Marketable by including the following field in the request JSON with an opt-in reason. (This field is also shown in the complete request body sample.) The reason you provide here will help with compliance. Example reasons: "Customer opted-in through webform", "Contact gave explicit permission."
"opt_in_reason": "your reason for opt-in"
Note that the email address status will only be updated to unconfirmed (marketable) for email addresses that are currently in the following states: Unengaged Marketable Unengaged Non-Marketable Non-Marketable Opt-Out: Manual All other existing statuses e.g. List Unsubscribe, Opt-Out System etc will remain non-marketable and in their existing state.
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
update_mask | Array of strings An optional list of properties to be updated. If set, only the provided properties will be updated and others will be skipped. |
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (RequestCompanyReference) | |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
job_title | string |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (CreateContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
ScoreValue | string |
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (CompanyReference) | |
company_name | string |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
id | integer <int64> |
job_title | string |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (ContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (Relationship) | |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
tag_ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
{- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "id": 0
}, - "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "job_title": "string",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
{- "ScoreValue": "string",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "id": 0
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "relationships": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "linked_contact_id": 0,
- "relationship_type_id": 0
], - "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "tag_ids": [
- 0
], - "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
List all Credit Cards on a contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
card_number | string |
card_type | string |
id | integer <int64> |
validation_status | string |
[- {
- "card_number": "string",
- "card_type": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "validation_status": "string"
Creates a new credit card associated to a contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
object (ContactAddress) | |
card_number | string |
card_type | string |
email_address | string |
expiration_month | string |
expiration_year | string |
maestro_issue_number | string |
maestro_start_date_month | string |
maestro_start_date_year | string |
name_on_card | string |
verification_code | string |
object (ContactAddress) | |
card_type | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
email_address | string |
expiration_month | string |
expiration_year | string |
id | integer <int64> |
maestro_issue_number | string |
maestro_start_date_month | string |
maestro_start_date_year | string |
name_on_card | string |
validation_message | string |
validation_status | string |
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "card_number": "string",
- "card_type": "string",
- "consent_type": "RECURRING_CONSENT",
- "email_address": "string",
- "expiration_month": "string",
- "expiration_year": "string",
- "maestro_issue_number": "string",
- "maestro_start_date_month": "string",
- "maestro_start_date_year": "string",
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "verification_code": "string"
{- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "card_type": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "email_address": "string",
- "expiration_month": "string",
- "expiration_year": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "maestro_issue_number": "string",
- "maestro_start_date_month": "string",
- "maestro_start_date_year": "string",
- "name_on_card": "string",
- "validation_message": "string",
- "validation_status": "string"
List Emails that have been sent to a Contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
string Optional email address to query on | |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
count | integer <int32> |
Array of objects (EmailSentQueryResult) | |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "emails": [
- {
- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
], - "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Create a record of an email sent to a contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
Email records to persist, with content.
clicked_date | string <date-time> |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
headers | string |
html_content | string Base64 encoded HTML |
id | integer <int64> |
opened_date | string <date-time> |
original_provider | string Enum: "UNKNOWN" "INFUSIONSOFT" "MICROSOFT" "GOOGLE" Provider that sent the email case insensitive, must be in list [GOOGLE, INFUSIONSOFT]. If omitted gets mapped to UNKNOWN. |
original_provider_id | string Provider id that sent the email, must be unique when combined with provider. If omitted a UUID without dashes is autogenerated for the record. |
plain_content | string Base64 encoded text |
provider_source_id | string The email address of the synced email account that generated this message. |
received_date | string <date-time> |
sent_date | string <date-time> |
sent_from_address | string |
sent_from_reply_address | string |
sent_to_address required | string |
sent_to_bcc_addresses | string |
sent_to_cc_addresses | string |
subject | string |
clicked_date | string <date-time> |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
headers | string |
html_content | string Base64 encoded HTML |
id | integer <int64> |
opened_date | string <date-time> |
original_provider | string Enum: "UNKNOWN" "INFUSIONSOFT" "MICROSOFT" "GOOGLE" Provider that sent the email case insensitive, must be in list [GOOGLE, INFUSIONSOFT]. If omitted gets mapped to UNKNOWN. |
original_provider_id | string Provider id that sent the email, must be unique when combined with provider. If omitted a UUID without dashes is autogenerated for the record. |
plain_content | string Base64 encoded text |
provider_source_id | string The email address of the synced email account that generated this message. |
received_date | string <date-time> |
sent_date | string <date-time> |
sent_from_address | string |
sent_from_reply_address | string |
sent_to_address required | string |
sent_to_bcc_addresses | string |
sent_to_cc_addresses | string |
subject | string |
{- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
{- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
Retrieves a list of tags applied to a given contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (ContactTag) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "tags": [
- {
- "date_applied": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "tag": {
- "category": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
Apply a list of tags to a given contact record
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
tagIds | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
{- "tagIds": [
- 0
[- {
- "key": "SUCCESS"
Removes a list of tags from the given contact. Provide one or more tag ids in the querystring as a comma-separated URIencoded list (%2C is a comma). E.g. DELETE /contacts/{contact_id}/tags?ids=1%2C2%2C3
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
ids required | string ids |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Removes a tag from the given contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
tagId required | integer <int64> tagId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Inserts UTMs for the contact specified by the contactId. The authenticated user must have permission to modify the contact utm info
contactId required | integer <int64> ID of the contact to insert UTMs for |
UTM parameters to insert
keapSourceId required | string The formId |
utmCampaign | string UTM campaign information |
utmContent | string UTM content information |
utmMedium | string UTM medium information |
utmSource | string UTM source information |
utmTerm | string UTM term information |
contactUtmId required | integer <int64> The contactUtmId identifier |
keapSourceId required | string The formId |
utmCampaign | string UTM campaign information |
utmContent | string UTM content information |
utmMedium | string UTM medium information |
utmSource | string UTM source information |
utmTerm | string UTM term information |
{- "keapSourceId": "6088383224687662",
- "utmCampaign": "spring_sale",
- "utmContent": "textlink",
- "utmMedium": "cpc",
- "utmSource": "google",
- "utmTerm": "financial_consulting"
{- "contactUtmId": 12,
- "keapSourceId": "6088383224687662",
- "utmCampaign": "spring_sale",
- "utmContent": "textlink",
- "utmMedium": "cpc",
- "utmSource": "google",
- "utmTerm": "financial_consulting"
Retrieves a single contact
The v1 call with optional property i.e. social_accounts[e.g. Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, or Pinterest]does not return social accounts in response.Documenting it as we are migrating from v1 to v2.Working as expected in v2 call.
id required | integer <int64> id |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of Contact properties to include in the response. (Some fields such as |
ScoreValue | string |
Array of objects (ContactAddress) | |
anniversary | string <date-time> |
birthday | string <date-time> |
object (CompanyReference) | |
company_name | string |
contact_type | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) | |
email_opted_in | boolean |
email_status | string Enum: "UnengagedMarketable" "SingleOptIn" "DoubleOptin" "Confirmed" "UnengagedNonMarketable" "NonMarketable" "Lockdown" "Bounce" "HardBounce" "Manual" "Admin" "System" "ListUnsubscribe" "Feedback" "Spam" "Invalid" "Deactivated" |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
id | integer <int64> |
job_title | string |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
lead_source_id | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
opt_in_reason | string |
object (ContactOrigin) | |
owner_id | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_locale | string |
preferred_name | string |
prefix | string |
Array of objects (Relationship) | |
Array of objects (SocialAccount) | |
spouse_name | string |
suffix | string |
tag_ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
{- "ScoreValue": "string",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "country_code": "string",
- "field": "BILLING",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "postal_code": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
], - "anniversary": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "birthday": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "company": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "id": 0
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "contact_type": "string",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "email_addresses": [
- {
- "email": "string",
- "field": "EMAIL1"
], - "email_opted_in": true,
- "email_status": "UnengagedMarketable",
- "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lead_source_id": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "opt_in_reason": "string",
- "origin": {
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "owner_id": 0,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_locale": "en_US",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "relationships": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "linked_contact_id": 0,
- "relationship_type_id": 0
], - "social_accounts": [
- {
- "name": "string",
- "type": "Facebook"
], - "source_type": "APPOINTMENT",
- "spouse_name": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "tag_ids": [
- 0
], - "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
Retrieves a list of all orders using the specified search criteria. Each order may or may not have items.
Potential values for order status:DRAFT
contact_id | integer <int64> Returns orders for the provided contact id |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
order | string Enum: "order_date" "update_date" Attribute to order items by. Dates are ordered by most recent at the top. Default is creation_date. |
paid | boolean Sets paid status of items to return |
product_id | integer <int64> Returns orders containing the provided product id |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
Array of objects (EcommerceReportingOrder) | |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "orders": [
- {
- "allow_payment": true,
- "allow_paypal": true,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "contact_id": "string",
- "creation_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoice_number": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "shippable": true,
- "sku": "string",
- "taxable": true
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "subscriptionPlan": {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "prorate": true,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string"
}, - "type": "string"
], - "order_type": "string",
- "payment_plan": {
- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "string",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "merchant_account_name": "string",
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "string"
}, - "product_id": "string",
- "recurring": true,
- "refund_total": 0,
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_information": {
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoiceToCompany": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "street1": "string",
- "street2": "string",
- "zip": "string"
}, - "source_type": "INVOICE",
- "status": "string",
- "terms": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "total_due": 0,
- "total_paid": 0
], - "previous": "string"
Create a one time order with order items.
contact_id required | integer <int64> |
lead_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
order_date required | string <date-time> |
required | Array of objects (CreateOrderItem) |
order_title required | string |
order_type required | string Enum: "Offline" "Online" |
promo_codes | Array of strings Uses multiple strings as promo codes. The corresponding discount will be applied to the order. |
sales_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
object (RestV1AddressInformation) |
object (EcommerceReportingOrderContactDetails) | |
creation_date | string |
id | integer <int64> |
lead_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string |
notes | string |
order_date | string |
Array of objects (OrderItem) | |
object (RestPaymentPlan) | |
refund_total | number <double> |
sales_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
object (RestV1AddressInformation) | |
status | string |
title | string |
total | number <double> |
total_due | number <double> |
total_paid | number <double> |
{- "contact_id": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "order_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "price": "string",
- "product_id": 0,
- "product_type": "PRODUCT",
- "quantity": 0
], - "order_title": "string",
- "order_type": "Offline",
- "promo_codes": [
- "string"
], - "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_address": {
- "company": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "is_invoice_to_company": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
{- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "billingCycle": 0,
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "numberOfPayments": 0,
- "orderItemTaxes": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "orderItemId": 0,
- "rate": 0,
- "taxTemplateId": 0
], - "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_options": [
- {
- "allow_spaces": true,
- "can_contain_character": true,
- "can_contain_number": true,
- "can_end_with_character": true,
- "can_end_with_number": true,
- "can_start_with_character": true,
- "can_start_with_number": true,
- "display_index": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "max_chars": 0,
- "min_chars": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "required": true,
- "text_message": "string",
- "type": "FixedList",
- "values": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "index": 0,
- "is_default": true,
- "label": "string",
- "price_adjustment": 0,
- "sku": "string"
], - "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "recurringBilling": true,
- "recurringCyclesCompleted": 0,
- "recurringEndDate": "string",
- "recurringInactive": true,
- "recurringNextBillDate": "string",
- "recurringStartDate": "string",
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "type": "string"
], - "payment_plan": {
- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "2019-08-24",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "2019-08-24"
}, - "refund_total": 0,
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_information": {
- "company": "string",
- "country_code": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "is_invoice_to_company": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "status": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "total_due": 0,
- "total_paid": 0
Get the custom fields for the Order object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Retrieves a single order. The order may or may not have items.
Potential values for order status:DRAFT
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
allow_payment | boolean |
allow_paypal | boolean |
object (EcommerceReportingOrderContactDetails) | |
contact_id | string |
creation_date | string |
id | integer <int64> |
invoice_number | integer <int64> |
lead_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string |
notes | string |
order_date | string |
Array of objects (EcommerceReportingOrderItem) | |
order_type | string |
object (EcommerceReportingPaymentPlan) | |
product_id | string |
recurring | boolean |
refund_total | number <double> |
sales_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
object (EcommerceReportingShippingInformation) | |
status | string |
terms | string |
title | string |
total | number <double> |
total_due | number <double> |
total_paid | number <double> |
{- "allow_payment": true,
- "allow_paypal": true,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "contact_id": "string",
- "creation_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoice_number": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "shippable": true,
- "sku": "string",
- "taxable": true
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "subscriptionPlan": {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "prorate": true,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string"
}, - "type": "string"
], - "order_type": "string",
- "payment_plan": {
- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "string",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "merchant_account_name": "string",
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "string"
}, - "product_id": "string",
- "recurring": true,
- "refund_total": 0,
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_information": {
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoiceToCompany": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "street1": "string",
- "street2": "string",
- "zip": "string"
}, - "source_type": "INVOICE",
- "status": "string",
- "terms": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "total_due": 0,
- "total_paid": 0
Delete an order that does not have a payment
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Creates an order item on an existing order.
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
description | string |
price | string Overridable price of the product, if not specified, the default will be used. Must be greater than or equal to 0. |
product_id required | integer <int64> The id of the product to be added to the order. |
product_type | string Enum: "PRODUCT" "DIGITAL" |
quantity required | integer <int32> Quantity must be greater than or equal to 1 |
billingCycle | integer <int32> |
cost | number <double> |
description | string |
discount | number <double> |
frequency | integer <int32> |
id | integer <int64> |
jobRecurringId | integer <int64> |
name | string |
notes | string |
numberOfPayments | integer <int32> |
Array of objects (OrderItemTax) | |
price | number <double> |
object (Product_) | |
quantity | integer <int32> |
recurringBilling | boolean |
recurringCyclesCompleted | integer <int32> |
recurringEndDate | string |
recurringInactive | boolean |
recurringNextBillDate | string |
recurringStartDate | string |
specialAmount | number <double> |
specialId | integer <int64> |
specialPctOrAmt | integer <int32> |
type | string |
{- "description": "string",
- "price": "string",
- "product_id": 0,
- "product_type": "PRODUCT",
- "quantity": 0
{- "billingCycle": 0,
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "numberOfPayments": 0,
- "orderItemTaxes": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "orderItemId": 0,
- "rate": 0,
- "taxTemplateId": 0
], - "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_options": [
- {
- "allow_spaces": true,
- "can_contain_character": true,
- "can_contain_number": true,
- "can_end_with_character": true,
- "can_end_with_number": true,
- "can_start_with_character": true,
- "can_start_with_number": true,
- "display_index": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "max_chars": 0,
- "min_chars": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "required": true,
- "text_message": "string",
- "type": "FixedList",
- "values": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "index": 0,
- "is_default": true,
- "label": "string",
- "price_adjustment": 0,
- "sku": "string"
], - "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "recurringBilling": true,
- "recurringCyclesCompleted": 0,
- "recurringEndDate": "string",
- "recurringInactive": true,
- "recurringNextBillDate": "string",
- "recurringStartDate": "string",
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "type": "string"
Delete an order Item on specified Order
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
orderItemId required | integer <int64> orderItemId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Replaces the order's payment plan with the given values.
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
auto_charge | boolean |
credit_card_id | integer <int64> |
days_between_payments required | integer <int32> |
initial_payment_amount | number <double> |
initial_payment_date | string <date> |
number_of_payments required | integer <int32> |
object (PaymentGateway) | |
plan_start_date required | string <date> |
auto_charge | boolean |
credit_card_id | integer <int64> |
days_between_payments required | integer <int32> |
initial_payment_amount | number <double> |
initial_payment_date | string <date> |
number_of_payments required | integer <int32> |
object (PaymentGateway) | |
plan_start_date required | string <date> |
{- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "2019-08-24",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "2019-08-24"
{- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "2019-08-24",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "2019-08-24"
Retrieves a list of payments made against a given order, including historical or external payments of cash or credit card.
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
amount | number |
id | integer <int64> |
invoice_id | integer <int64> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
note | string |
pay_date | string <date-time> |
pay_status | string |
payment_id | integer <int64> |
refund_invoice_payment_id | integer <int64> |
skip_commission | boolean |
[- {
- "amount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "invoice_id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "note": "string",
- "pay_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "pay_status": "string",
- "payment_id": 0,
- "refund_invoice_payment_id": 0,
- "skip_commission": true
Creates a payment record that can charge a credit card. Alternatively, adds a record of historical or external payment of cash or credit card.
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
apply_to_commissions | boolean |
charge_now | boolean |
credit_card_id | integer <int64> |
date | string <date-time> Used when charge_now:false or inserting historical data. ex |
notes | string |
payment_amount | string |
payment_gateway_id | string |
payment_method_type | string Enum: "CREDIT_CARD" "CASH" "CHECK" "TOKEN" |
id | integer <int64> |
invoice_id | integer <int64> |
payment_amount | number <double> |
payment_status | string |
transaction_id | integer <int64> |
{- "apply_to_commissions": true,
- "charge_now": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "notes": "string",
- "payment_amount": "string",
- "payment_gateway_id": "string",
- "payment_method_type": "CREDIT_CARD"
{- "id": 0,
- "invoice_id": 0,
- "payment_amount": 0,
- "payment_status": "string",
- "transaction_id": 0
Retrieves a list of all transactions on a given order using the specified search criteria
orderId required | integer <int64> orderId |
contact_id | integer <int64> Returns transactions for the provided contact id |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (EcommerceReportingTransaction) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "transactions": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "collection_method": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "currency": "string",
- "errors": "string",
- "gateway": "string",
- "gateway_account_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "order_ids": "string",
- "orders": [
- {
- "allow_payment": true,
- "allow_paypal": true,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "contact_id": "string",
- "creation_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoice_number": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "shippable": true,
- "sku": "string",
- "taxable": true
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "subscriptionPlan": {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "prorate": true,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string"
}, - "type": "string"
], - "order_type": "string",
- "payment_plan": {
- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "string",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "merchant_account_name": "string",
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "string"
}, - "product_id": "string",
- "recurring": true,
- "refund_total": 0,
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_information": {
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoiceToCompany": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "street1": "string",
- "street2": "string",
- "zip": "string"
}, - "source_type": "INVOICE",
- "status": "string",
- "terms": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "total_due": 0,
- "total_paid": 0
], - "paymentDate": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "test": true,
- "transaction_date": "string",
- "type": "string"
Retrieves a list of all subcriptions using the specified search criteria.
contact_id | integer <int64> Returns subscriptions for the provided contact id |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (Subscription) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "subscriptions": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "allow_tax": true,
- "auto_charge": true,
- "billing_amount": 0,
- "billing_cycle": "YEAR",
- "billing_frequency": 0,
- "contact_id": 0,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "next_bill_date": "2019-08-24",
- "payment_gateway_id": 0,
- "product_id": 0,
- "quantity": 0,
- "sale_affiliate_id": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "subscription_plan_id": 0,
- "use_default_payment_gateway": true
Creates a subscription with the specified product and product subscription id.
allow_duplicate | boolean If true, it will disable the check to see if there is already an identical subscription for the contact. Default is false. |
allow_tax | boolean Only works if the product the product subscription is for is taxable. Default is false. |
auto_charge | boolean Defaults to true. |
billing_amount | number <double> Must be 0 or greater. Default is the price in the product subscription. |
contact_id required | integer <int64> |
credit_card_id | integer <int64> Default is the contact's most recently used card, if auto charge is true. Default is 0 otherwise. |
first_bill_date | string <date> The first day the subscription will bill, in EST. Must not be in the past. Default is today. |
payment_gateway_id | integer <int64> Default is the app's default merchant. |
quantity | integer <int32> Must be greater than 0. Default is 1. |
sale_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
subscription_plan_id | integer <int64> Id of the product subscription. |
active | boolean |
allow_tax | boolean |
auto_charge | boolean |
billing_amount | number <double> |
billing_cycle | string Enum: "YEAR" "MONTH" "WEEK" "DAY" |
billing_frequency | integer <int32> |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
credit_card_id | integer <int64> |
end_date | string <date> |
id | integer <int64> |
next_bill_date | string <date> |
payment_gateway_id | integer <int64> |
product_id | integer <int64> |
quantity | integer <int64> |
sale_affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
start_date | string <date> |
subscription_plan_id | integer <int64> |
use_default_payment_gateway | boolean |
{- "allow_duplicate": true,
- "allow_tax": true,
- "auto_charge": true,
- "billing_amount": 0,
- "contact_id": 0,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "first_bill_date": "2019-08-24",
- "payment_gateway_id": 0,
- "quantity": 0,
- "sale_affiliate_id": 0,
- "subscription_plan_id": 0
{- "active": true,
- "allow_tax": true,
- "auto_charge": true,
- "billing_amount": 0,
- "billing_cycle": "YEAR",
- "billing_frequency": 0,
- "contact_id": 0,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "end_date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": 0,
- "next_bill_date": "2019-08-24",
- "payment_gateway_id": 0,
- "product_id": 0,
- "quantity": 0,
- "sale_affiliate_id": 0,
- "start_date": "2019-08-24",
- "subscription_plan_id": 0,
- "use_default_payment_gateway": true
Get the custom fields for the Subscription object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Retrieves a list transactions for a given contact
contact_id | integer <int64> Returns transactions for the provided contact id |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (EcommerceReportingTransaction) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "transactions": [
- {
- "amount": 0,
- "collection_method": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "currency": "string",
- "errors": "string",
- "gateway": "string",
- "gateway_account_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "order_ids": "string",
- "orders": [
- {
- "allow_payment": true,
- "allow_paypal": true,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "contact_id": "string",
- "creation_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoice_number": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "shippable": true,
- "sku": "string",
- "taxable": true
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "subscriptionPlan": {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "prorate": true,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string"
}, - "type": "string"
], - "order_type": "string",
- "payment_plan": {
- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "string",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "merchant_account_name": "string",
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "string"
}, - "product_id": "string",
- "recurring": true,
- "refund_total": 0,
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_information": {
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoiceToCompany": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "street1": "string",
- "street2": "string",
- "zip": "string"
}, - "source_type": "INVOICE",
- "status": "string",
- "terms": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "total_due": 0,
- "total_paid": 0
], - "paymentDate": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "test": true,
- "transaction_date": "string",
- "type": "string"
Retrieves a single transaction
transactionId required | integer <int64> transactionId |
amount | number <double> |
collection_method | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
currency | string |
errors | string |
gateway | string |
gateway_account_name | string |
id | integer <int64> |
order_ids | string |
Array of objects (EcommerceReportingOrder) | |
paymentDate | string |
status | string |
test | boolean |
transaction_date | string |
type | string |
{- "amount": 0,
- "collection_method": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "currency": "string",
- "errors": "string",
- "gateway": "string",
- "gateway_account_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "order_ids": "string",
- "orders": [
- {
- "allow_payment": true,
- "allow_paypal": true,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "contact_id": "string",
- "creation_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoice_number": 0,
- "lead_affiliate_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "order_date": "string",
- "order_items": [
- {
- "cost": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "discount": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "jobRecurringId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "product": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "shippable": true,
- "sku": "string",
- "taxable": true
}, - "quantity": 0,
- "specialAmount": 0,
- "specialId": 0,
- "specialPctOrAmt": 0,
- "subscriptionPlan": {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "prorate": true,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string"
}, - "type": "string"
], - "order_type": "string",
- "payment_plan": {
- "auto_charge": true,
- "credit_card_id": 0,
- "days_between_payments": 0,
- "initial_payment_amount": 0,
- "initial_payment_date": "string",
- "number_of_payments": 0,
- "payment_gateway": {
- "merchant_account_id": 0,
- "merchant_account_name": "string",
- "use_default": true
}, - "plan_start_date": "string"
}, - "product_id": "string",
- "recurring": true,
- "refund_total": 0,
- "sales_affiliate_id": 0,
- "shipping_information": {
- "city": "string",
- "company": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "invoiceToCompany": true,
- "last_name": "string",
- "middle_name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "street1": "string",
- "street2": "string",
- "zip": "string"
}, - "source_type": "INVOICE",
- "status": "string",
- "terms": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "total": 0,
- "total_due": 0,
- "total_paid": 0
], - "paymentDate": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "test": true,
- "transaction_date": "string",
- "type": "string"
Retrieve a list of emails that have been sent
Keap is currently investigating an issue with degraded performance of this endpoint with very large (millions of records) record sets
contact_id | integer <int64> Optional Contact Id to find Emails for |
string Optional email address to query on | |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
ordered | boolean Default: true Optional boolean to turn off ORDER BY in SQL query |
since_sent_date | string Optional date to query on, emails sent since the provided date, must be present if untilDate is provided |
until_sent_date | string Optional date to query on, email sent until the provided date |
count | integer <int32> |
Array of objects (EmailSentQueryResult) | |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "emails": [
- {
- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
], - "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Create a record of an email sent to a contact
Email records to persist, with content.
clicked_date | string <date-time> |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
headers | string |
html_content | string Base64 encoded HTML |
id | integer <int64> |
opened_date | string <date-time> |
original_provider | string Enum: "UNKNOWN" "INFUSIONSOFT" "MICROSOFT" "GOOGLE" Provider that sent the email case insensitive, must be in list [GOOGLE, INFUSIONSOFT]. If omitted gets mapped to UNKNOWN. |
original_provider_id | string Provider id that sent the email, must be unique when combined with provider. If omitted a UUID without dashes is autogenerated for the record. |
plain_content | string Base64 encoded text |
provider_source_id | string The email address of the synced email account that generated this message. |
received_date | string <date-time> |
sent_date | string <date-time> |
sent_from_address | string |
sent_from_reply_address | string |
sent_to_address required | string |
sent_to_bcc_addresses | string |
sent_to_cc_addresses | string |
subject | string |
clicked_date | string <date-time> |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
headers | string |
html_content | string Base64 encoded HTML |
id | integer <int64> |
opened_date | string <date-time> |
original_provider | string Enum: "UNKNOWN" "INFUSIONSOFT" "MICROSOFT" "GOOGLE" Provider that sent the email case insensitive, must be in list [GOOGLE, INFUSIONSOFT]. If omitted gets mapped to UNKNOWN. |
original_provider_id | string Provider id that sent the email, must be unique when combined with provider. If omitted a UUID without dashes is autogenerated for the record. |
plain_content | string Base64 encoded text |
provider_source_id | string The email address of the synced email account that generated this message. |
received_date | string <date-time> |
sent_date | string <date-time> |
sent_from_address | string |
sent_from_reply_address | string |
sent_to_address required | string |
sent_to_bcc_addresses | string |
sent_to_cc_addresses | string |
subject | string |
{- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
{- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
Send an Email to a list of Contacts
address_field | string Email field of each Contact record to address the email to, such as 'Email', 'EmailAddress2', 'EmailAddress3' or '_CustomFieldName', defaulting to the contact's primary email |
Array of objects (EmailSendRequestAttachment) Attachments to be sent with each copy of the email, maximum of 10 with size of 1MB each | |
contacts required | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] An array of Contact Ids to receive the email |
html_content | string The HTML-formatted content of the email, encoded in Base64 |
plain_content | string The plain-text content of the email, encoded in Base64 |
subject required | string The subject line of the email |
user_id required | integer <int64> The infusionsoft user to send the email on behalf of |
{- "address_field": "string",
- "attachments": [
- {
- "file_data": "string",
- "file_name": "string"
], - "contacts": [
- 0
], - "html_content": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "subject": "string",
- "user_id": 0
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Create a set of records of emails sent to contacts, maximum 1000 per transaction.
Email records to persist, with content.
Array of objects (EmailSentCreate) |
Array of objects (EmailSentCreate) | |
Array of objects (EmailSentCreateError) |
{- "emails": [
- {
- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
{- "emails": [
- {
- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
], - "errors": [
- {
- "email": {
- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "provider_source_id": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
}, - "error_message": "string"
Un-syncs a batch of email records
ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
property name* additional property | string |
{- "ids": [
- 0
{- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Retrieves a single email that has been sent
id required | integer <int64> id |
clicked_date | string <date-time> |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
headers | string |
html_content | string Base64 encoded HTML |
id | integer <int64> |
opened_date | string <date-time> |
original_provider | string Enum: "UNKNOWN" "INFUSIONSOFT" "MICROSOFT" "GOOGLE" |
original_provider_id | string |
plain_content | string Base64 encoded plain text |
received_date | string <date-time> |
sent_date | string <date-time> |
sent_from_address | string |
sent_from_reply_address | string |
sent_to_address | string |
sent_to_bcc_addresses | string |
sent_to_cc_addresses | string |
subject | string |
{- "clicked_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "headers": "string",
- "html_content": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "original_provider": "UNKNOWN",
- "original_provider_id": "string",
- "plain_content": "string",
- "received_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent_from_address": "string",
- "sent_from_reply_address": "string",
- "sent_to_address": "string",
- "sent_to_bcc_addresses": "string",
- "sent_to_cc_addresses": "string",
- "subject": "string"
Delete a specific email record
id required | integer <int64> id |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Replaces all of the values of a given email address
You may opt-in or mark an email address as Marketable by including the following field in the request JSON with an opt-in reason. (This field is also shown in the complete request body sample.) The reason you provide here will help with compliance. Example reasons: "Customer opted-in through webform", "Company gave explicit permission."
"opt_in_reason": "your reason for opt-in"
Note that the email address status will only be updated to unconfirmed (marketable) for email addresses that are currently in the following states: Unengaged Marketable Unengaged Non-Marketable Non-Marketable Opt-Out: Manual All other existing statuses e.g. List Unsubscribe, Opt-Out System etc will remain non-marketable and in their existing state.
email required | string |
opted_in required | boolean |
reason required | string |
email required | string |
opted_in required | boolean |
status required | string Enum: "Unengaged Marketable" "Unconfirmed" "Confirmed (Legacy)" "Confirmed" "Unengaged NonMarketable" "Non-marketable" "Lockdown" "Soft Bounce" "Hard Bounce" "Opt-Out" "Opt-Out: Admin" "Opt-Out: System" "List Unsubscribe" "Provided Feedback" "Reported Spam" "Invalid Email" "Deactivated/Delinquent Mailbox" |
{- "opted_in": true,
- "reason": "string"
{- "email": "string",
- "opted_in": true,
- "status": "Unengaged Marketable"
Retrieves a list of all files
contact_id | integer <int64> Filter based on Contact Id, if user has permission to see Contact files. |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
name | string Filter files based on name, with '*' preceding or following to indicate LIKE queries. |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
permission | string Enum: "USER" "COMPANY" "BOTH" Filter based on the permission of files (USER or COMPANY), defaults to BOTH. |
type | string Enum: "Application" "Image" "Fax" "Attachment" "Ticket" "Contact" "DigitalProduct" "Import" "Hidden" "WebForm" "StyledCart" "ReSampledImage" "TemplateThumbnail" "Funnel" "LogoThumbnail" "Unlayer" "BrandingCenterLogo" Filter based on the type of file. |
viewable | string Enum: "PUBLIC" "PRIVATE" "BOTH" Include public or private files in response (PUBLIC or PRIVATE), defaults to BOTH. |
count | integer <int32> |
Array of objects (FileDescriptor) | |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "files": [
- {
- "category": "Attachments",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "created_by": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "download_url": "string",
- "file_box_type": "Application",
- "file_name": "string",
- "file_size": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "public": true,
- "remote_file_key": "string"
], - "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Upload a base64 encoded file. contact_id
is required only when file_association
file_name required | string |
public | boolean |
file_data required | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
is_public required | boolean |
file_association required | string Enum: "CONTACT" "USER" "COMPANY" |
file_data | string |
object (FileDescriptor) |
{- "file_name": "string",
- "public": true,
- "file_data": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "is_public": true,
- "file_association": "CONTACT"
{- "file_data": "string",
- "file_descriptor": {
- "category": "Attachments",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "created_by": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "download_url": "string",
- "file_box_type": "Application",
- "file_name": "string",
- "file_size": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "public": true,
- "remote_file_key": "string"
Retrieves metadata about a specific file. Optionally returns the base64 encoded file data.
fileId required | integer <int64> fileId |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of File properties to include in the response. (Some fields such as |
file_data | string |
object (FileDescriptor) |
{- "file_data": "string",
- "file_descriptor": {
- "category": "Attachments",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "created_by": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "download_url": "string",
- "file_box_type": "Application",
- "file_name": "string",
- "file_size": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "public": true,
- "remote_file_key": "string"
Upload a base64 encoded file to replace an existing one. contact_id
is required only when file_association
fileId required | integer <int64> fileId |
file_name required | string |
public | boolean |
file_data required | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
is_public required | boolean |
file_association required | string Enum: "CONTACT" "USER" "COMPANY" |
file_data | string |
object (FileDescriptor) |
{- "file_name": "string",
- "public": true,
- "file_data": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "is_public": true,
- "file_association": "CONTACT"
{- "file_data": "string",
- "file_descriptor": {
- "category": "Attachments",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "created_by": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "download_url": "string",
- "file_box_type": "Application",
- "file_name": "string",
- "file_size": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "public": true,
- "remote_file_key": "string"
Deletes the specified file
fileId required | integer <int64> fileId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
countryCode required | string countryCode |
required | object A key-value pair of province code and province name. |
{- "provinces": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
contact_types | Array of strings |
fax_types | Array of strings |
phone_types | Array of strings |
suffix_types | Array of strings |
title_types | Array of strings |
{- "contact_types": [
- "string"
], - "fax_types": [
- "string"
], - "phone_types": [
- "string"
], - "suffix_types": [
- "string"
], - "title_types": [
- "string"
Retrieves a list of all merchant accounts
default_merchant_account | integer <int64> |
Array of objects (Merchant) |
{- "default_merchant_account": 0,
- "merchant_accounts": [
- {
- "account_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "is_test": true,
- "type": "string"
Retrieves a list of all notes
contact_id | integer <int64> Filter based on the contact id assigned to the note. |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
user_id | integer <int64> Filter based on the user id assigned to the note. |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
Array of objects (Note) | |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "notes": [
- {
- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": {
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "user_id": 0
}, - "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
], - "previous": "string"
Creates a new note as the authenticated user. Either a "title" or "body" is required
body | string |
contact_id required | integer <int64> |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
body | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
date_created | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
object (NoteUser) | |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": {
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "user_id": 0
}, - "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
Get the custom fields for the Note object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Adds a custom field of the specified type and options to the Note object.
field_type required | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
group_id | integer <int64> An optional tab group to place the field under in the interface. If not specified, will default to the 'Custom Fields' tab. |
label required | string |
Array of objects (CreateRestCustomFieldOption) | |
user_group_id | integer <int64> An optional user group to choose from when selecting values for User or UserListBox fields. |
default_value | string |
field_name | string |
field_type | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
id | integer <int64> |
label | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldOption) | |
{- "field_type": "Currency",
- "group_id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "user_group_id": 0
{- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
Retrieves a single note
noteId required | integer <int64> noteId |
body | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
date_created | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
object (NoteUser) | |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": {
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "user_id": 0
}, - "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
Replaces all values of a given note
note required | integer <int64> note |
body | string |
contact_id required | integer <int64> |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
body | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
date_created | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
object (NoteUser) | |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": {
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "user_id": 0
}, - "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Updates a note with only the values provided in the request
noteId required | integer <int64> noteId |
body | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
body | string |
contact_id | integer <int64> |
date_created | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
object (NoteUser) | |
title | string |
type | string Enum: "Appointment" "Call" "Email" "Fax" "Letter" "Other" |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
{- "body": "string",
- "contact_id": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": {
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "user_id": 0
}, - "title": "string",
- "type": "Appointment",
- "user_id": 0
Retrieves a list of all opportunities.
Please note: the sample response erroneously shows properties, such as stage reasons, that are unavailable through the list endpoint. Such properties are only available through the retrieve operation. Future versions of the Opportunity resource will correct the oversight.
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
order | string Enum: "next_action" "opportunity_name" "contact_name" "date_created" Attribute to order items by |
search_term | string Returns opportunities that match any of the contact's |
stage_id | integer <int64> Returns opportunities for the provided stage id |
user_id | integer <int64> Returns opportunities for the provided user id |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
Array of objects (Opportunity) | |
previous | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "opportunities": [
- {
- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
], - "previous": "string"
Replaces all values of a given opportunity
affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
required | object (OpportunityContact) |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
estimated_close_date | string |
id | integer <int64> |
include_in_forecast | integer <int32> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
next_action_date | string |
next_action_notes | string |
opportunity_notes | string |
opportunity_title required | string |
projected_revenue_high | number <double> |
projected_revenue_low | number <double> |
required | object (SimpleOpportunityStage) |
object (SimpleUser) |
affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
required | object (OpportunityContact) |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
estimated_close_date | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
include_in_forecast | integer <int32> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
next_action_date | string <date-time> |
next_action_notes | string |
opportunity_notes | string |
opportunity_title required | string |
projected_revenue_high | number <double> |
projected_revenue_low | number <double> |
required | object (SimpleOpportunityStage) |
object (SimpleUser) |
{- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "string",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
{- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
Creates a new opportunity as the authenticated user.
affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
required | object (OpportunityContact) |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
estimated_close_date | string |
id | integer <int64> |
include_in_forecast | integer <int32> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
next_action_date | string |
next_action_notes | string |
opportunity_notes | string |
opportunity_title required | string |
projected_revenue_high | number <double> |
projected_revenue_low | number <double> |
required | object (SimpleOpportunityStage) |
object (SimpleUser) |
affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
required | object (OpportunityContact) |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
estimated_close_date | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
include_in_forecast | integer <int32> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
next_action_date | string <date-time> |
next_action_notes | string |
opportunity_notes | string |
opportunity_title required | string |
projected_revenue_high | number <double> |
projected_revenue_low | number <double> |
required | object (SimpleOpportunityStage) |
object (SimpleUser) |
{- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "string",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
{- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
Get the custom fields for the Opportunity object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Retrives a single opportunity
opportunityId required | integer <int64> opportunityId |
optional_properties | Array of strings Comma-delimited list of Opportunity properties to include in the response. (Some fields such as |
affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
required | object (OpportunityContact) |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
estimated_close_date | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
include_in_forecast | integer <int32> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
next_action_date | string <date-time> |
next_action_notes | string |
opportunity_notes | string |
opportunity_title required | string |
projected_revenue_high | number <double> |
projected_revenue_low | number <double> |
required | object (SimpleOpportunityStage) |
object (SimpleUser) |
{- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
Updates an opportunity with only the values provided in the request.
Note: The POST payload for this request is identical to 'Replace an Opportunity' operation.
opportunityId required | integer <int64> opportunityId |
affiliate_id | integer <int64> |
required | object (OpportunityContact) |
Array of objects (CustomFieldValue) | |
date_created | string <date-time> |
estimated_close_date | string <date-time> |
id | integer <int64> |
include_in_forecast | integer <int32> |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
next_action_date | string <date-time> |
next_action_notes | string |
opportunity_notes | string |
opportunity_title required | string |
projected_revenue_high | number <double> |
projected_revenue_low | number <double> |
required | object (SimpleOpportunityStage) |
object (SimpleUser) |
{- "affiliate_id": 0,
- "contact": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_name": "string",
- "phone_number": "string"
}, - "custom_fields": [
- {
- "content": { },
- "id": 0
], - "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "estimated_close_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "include_in_forecast": 0,
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "next_action_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_notes": "string",
- "opportunity_title": "string",
- "projected_revenue_high": 0,
- "projected_revenue_low": 0,
- "stage": {
- "details": {
- "check_list_items": [
- {
- "description": "string",
- "done_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": 0,
- "instance_id": 0,
- "item_order": 0,
- "required": true
], - "probability": 0,
- "stage_order": 0,
- "target_num_days": 0
}, - "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "reasons": [
- "string"
}, - "user": {
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
Retrieves a list of all opportunity stages with pipeline details
end_stage | boolean |
is_default | boolean |
stage_count | integer <int32> |
stage_id | integer <int64> |
stage_name | string |
stage_order | integer <int32> |
[- {
- "end_stage": true,
- "is_default": true,
- "stage_count": 0,
- "stage_id": 0,
- "stage_name": "string",
- "stage_order": 0
Retrieves a list of all products
active | boolean Sets status of items to return |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (Product_) | |
sync_token | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "products": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_options": [
- {
- "allow_spaces": true,
- "can_contain_character": true,
- "can_contain_number": true,
- "can_end_with_character": true,
- "can_end_with_number": true,
- "can_start_with_character": true,
- "can_start_with_number": true,
- "display_index": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "max_chars": 0,
- "min_chars": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "required": true,
- "text_message": "string",
- "type": "FixedList",
- "values": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "index": 0,
- "is_default": true,
- "label": "string",
- "price_adjustment": 0,
- "sku": "string"
], - "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
], - "sync_token": "string"
Creates a new product
active | boolean |
product_desc | string |
product_name required | string |
product_price | number <double> |
product_short_desc | string |
sku | string |
subscription_only | boolean |
active | boolean |
id required | integer <int64> |
product_desc | string |
product_name required | string |
product_price | number <double> |
product_short_desc | string |
sku | string |
subscription_only | boolean |
Array of objects (ProductSubscription) | |
url | string |
{- "active": true,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "subscription_only": true
{- "active": true,
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle_type": "YEAR",
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
The Sync endpoint returns a set of products that have been updated or created since the last result set was retrieved, minus any products that have been deleted.
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
sync_token | string sync_token |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (ProductStatus) | |
sync_token | string |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "product_statuses": [
- {
- "product": {
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_options": [
- {
- "allow_spaces": true,
- "can_contain_character": true,
- "can_contain_number": true,
- "can_end_with_character": true,
- "can_end_with_number": true,
- "can_start_with_character": true,
- "can_start_with_number": true,
- "display_index": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "max_chars": 0,
- "min_chars": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "required": true,
- "text_message": "string",
- "type": "FixedList",
- "values": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "index": 0,
- "is_default": true,
- "label": "string",
- "price_adjustment": 0,
- "sku": "string"
], - "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "status": 0,
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle": 0,
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
}, - "status": "CREATED"
], - "sync_token": "string"
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
active | boolean |
id required | integer <int64> |
product_desc | string |
product_name required | string |
product_price | number <double> |
product_short_desc | string |
sku | string |
subscription_only | boolean |
Array of objects (ProductSubscription) | |
url | string |
{- "active": true,
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle_type": "YEAR",
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
Deletes a product and its subscriptions
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Updates a Product with only the values provided in the request.
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
active | boolean |
product_desc | string |
product_name required | string |
product_price | number <double> |
product_short_desc | string |
sku | string |
subscription_only | boolean |
active | boolean |
id required | integer <int64> |
product_desc | string |
product_name required | string |
product_price | number <double> |
product_short_desc | string |
sku | string |
subscription_only | boolean |
Array of objects (ProductSubscription) | |
url | string |
{- "active": true,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "subscription_only": true
{- "active": true,
- "id": 0,
- "product_desc": "string",
- "product_name": "string",
- "product_price": 0,
- "product_short_desc": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "subscription_only": true,
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "active": true,
- "cycle_type": "YEAR",
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
], - "url": "string"
Max payload 3 megabytes, the file_data
is base64 encoded.
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
checksum | string SHA256 checksum of image in Hex. |
file_data required | string The image data, base64 encoded. |
file_name required | string The name of the file with extension, must match file data. Acceptable file types: [.png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg]. |
{- "checksum": "string",
- "file_data": "string",
- "file_name": "string"
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Creates a new product subscription
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
active | boolean |
cycle_type required | string Enum: "YEAR" "MONTH" "WEEK" "DAY" |
frequency | integer <int32> |
number_of_cycles | integer <int32> |
plan_price required | number <double> |
subscription_plan_index | integer <int32> |
active | boolean |
cycle_type required | string Enum: "YEAR" "MONTH" "WEEK" "DAY" |
frequency | integer <int32> |
id required | integer <int64> |
number_of_cycles | integer <int32> |
plan_price required | number <double> |
subscription_plan_index | integer <int32> |
subscription_plan_name | string |
url | string |
{- "active": true,
- "cycle_type": "YEAR",
- "frequency": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0
{- "active": true,
- "cycle_type": "YEAR",
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
subscriptionId required | integer <int64> subscriptionId |
active | boolean |
cycle_type required | string Enum: "YEAR" "MONTH" "WEEK" "DAY" |
frequency | integer <int32> |
id required | integer <int64> |
number_of_cycles | integer <int32> |
plan_price required | number <double> |
subscription_plan_index | integer <int32> |
subscription_plan_name | string |
url | string |
{- "active": true,
- "cycle_type": "YEAR",
- "frequency": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "number_of_cycles": 0,
- "plan_price": 0,
- "subscription_plan_index": 0,
- "subscription_plan_name": "string",
- "url": "string"
Deletes a product subscription
productId required | integer <int64> productId |
subscriptionId required | integer <int64> subscriptionId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
REST Hooks itself is not a specification, it is a collection of patterns that treat webhooks like subscriptions. These subscriptions are manipulated via a REST API just like any other resource.
With most modern REST APIs, polling is the only way to detect changes. But it doesn't have to be. On average, 98.5% of polls are wasted. There is a better way. REST Hooks enable real-time communication and eliminate polling. --
Infusionsoft offers a growing set of REST Hooks to keep you notified of changes in your data. To get started, use List Hook Event Types to discover event types. Event types are identified using noun.verb dot syntax, e.g.: contact.add
or invoice.delete
After you’ve read this documentation, you might be interested in the REST Hook Event and Retry policies.
NB: REST Hooks are not triggered by legacy action sets.
Once you've chosen the events you're interested in, subscribe to them via Create a Hook Subscription.
Lists your hook subscriptions.
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
key | string |
status | string Enum: "Unverified" "Verified" "Inactive" |
[- {
- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "status": "Unverified"
To receive hooks, you'll first need to subscribe to events one at a time and individually verify each subscription.
This operation is used to create hook subscriptions. During this process, Infusionsoft will attempt to verify your subscription. Continue reading to learn how that works.
To verify or reactivate a hook subscription, Infusionsoft will make a POST
request with a temporary secret to the hookUrl
you provided during creation. The secret is passed as the value of a header named X-Hook-Secret
. Your response to that POST
must have a status code of 200
and return the same X-Hook-Secret
header and value pair. Once you've done that, you'll begin receiving hooks. Don't worry if verification fails; you can always request another verification attempt.
NB: You will not receive events until the subscription is verified.
If the verification process seems confusing, head over to for more on the concept.
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
key | string |
status | string Enum: "Unverified" "Verified" "Inactive" |
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string"
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "status": "Unverified"
Retrieves an existing hook subscription and its status.
If your hook subscription becomes inactive, you may request an activation attempt via Verify a Hook Subscription.
key required | string key |
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
key | string |
status | string Enum: "Unverified" "Verified" "Inactive" |
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "status": "Unverified"
Modify an existing hook subscription using the provided values.
key required | string key |
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
key | string |
status | string Enum: "Unverified" "Verified" "Inactive" |
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string"
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "status": "Unverified"
Stop receiving hooks by deleting an existing hook subscription.
key required | string key |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
This operation is used to verify or reactivate a hook subscription out-of-band using's Delayed Confirmation pattern.
Use this verification method if you're not able to use the Immediate Confirmation provided through Create a Hook Subscription or Verify a Hook Subscription. This operation allows you to confirm a subscription by manually sending us the X-Hook-Secret
you received.
NB: The X-Hook-Secret
must be passed as a header.
Don't worry if verification fails; you can always request another verification attempt.
NB: You will not receive events until the subscription is verified.
If the verification process seems confusing, head over to for more on the concept.
key required | string key |
X-Hook-Secret required | string X-Hook-Secret |
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
key | string |
status | string Enum: "Unverified" "Verified" "Inactive" |
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "status": "Unverified"
This operation is used to verify or reactivate a hook subscription using's Immediate Confirmation pattern.
To verify or reactivate a hook subscription, Infusionsoft will make a POST
request with a temporary secret to the hookUrl
you provided during creation. The secret is passed as the value of a header named X-Hook-Secret
. Your response to that POST
must have a status code of 200
and return the same X-Hook-Secret
header and value pair. Once you've done that, you'll begin receiving hooks. Don't worry if verification fails; you can always request another verification attempt.
NB: You will not receive events until the subscription is verified.
If the verification process seems confusing, head over to for more on the concept.
key required | string key |
eventKey | string |
hookUrl | string |
key | string |
status | string Enum: "Unverified" "Verified" "Inactive" |
{- "eventKey": "string",
- "hookUrl": "string",
- "key": "string",
- "status": "Unverified"
Get the properties for the current application's configuration
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleAffiliate) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleApplication) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleAppointment) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleContact) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleECommerce) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleEMail) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleForms) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleFulfillment) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleInvoice) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleNote) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleOpportunity) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleTask) | |
object (RestApplicationConfigurationModuleTemplate) |
{- "affiliate": {
- "choose_affiliate": true,
- "commission": {
- "calculation_type": "string",
- "levels": 0,
- "participant_types": "string"
}, - "custom_affiliate_url": "string",
- "display_affiliate_ip_address": true,
- "do_not_notify_affiliate": true,
- "skip_pay_if_unused": true,
- "use_referral_history_if_no_tracking_cookie": true
}, - "application": {
- "company": {
- "caller_id_number": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "phone_ext": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "street_address_1": "string",
- "street_address_2": "string",
- "web_logo_url": "string",
- "website": "string",
- "zip": "string"
}, - "default_view_locale": "string",
- "features_enabled": {
- "marketing": true
}, - "time_zone": "string"
}, - "appointment": {
- "appointment_types": "string",
- "share_opportunity_with_related_user": true
}, - "contact": {
- "address_labels": {
- "line_1": "string",
- "line_2": "string",
- "line_3": "string"
}, - "contact_types": "string",
- "default_new_contact_form": "string",
- "disable_contact_edit_in_client_login": true,
- "fax_types": "string",
- "phone_types": "string",
- "suffix_types": "string",
- "title_types": "string"
}, - "ecommerce": {
- "credit_card_types": "string",
- "currency": "string",
- "default_charge_max_retry_attempts": 0,
- "default_country": "string",
- "default_merchant": "string",
- "default_number_of_days_between_charge_attempts": 0,
- "default_tax": "string",
- "default_to_auto_charge": true,
- "merchant_account_max_retry_attempts": 0,
- "payment_types": "string",
- "promo_codes": "string",
- "track_cost_per_unit": true,
- "track_inventory": true
}, - "email": {
- "append_contact_key_to_links": true,
- "default_opt_in_link": "string",
- "default_opt_out_link": "string",
- "hide_emails_to_and_from_domains": "string",
- "whitelisted_domains": "string"
}, - "forms": {
- "spam_filters_enabled": true
}, - "fulfillment": {
- "default_message_fields": "string",
- "default_message_to": "string"
}, - "invoice": {
- "tax_label": "string"
}, - "note": {
- "appointment_types": "string",
- "share_opportunity_with_related_user": true
}, - "opportunity": {
- "default_stage": "string",
- "states": {
- "active": {
- "stages": "string"
}, - "loss": {
- "reasons": "string",
- "stage": "string"
}, - "win": {
- "reasons": "string",
- "stage": "string"
}, - "task": {
- "appointment_types": "string",
- "share_opportunity_with_related_user": true
}, - "template": {
- "default_country_code": 0,
- "default_user_id": 0
Retrieve a list of tags defined in the application
category | integer <int64> Category Id of tags to filter by |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
name | string Filter for tags with a specific name |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (Tag) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "tags": [
- {
- "category": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
Create a new tag
object (CategoryReference) | |
description | string The tag description |
name required | string The tag name |
object (TagCategory) | |
description | string The tag description |
id required | integer <int64> The id for the tag |
name required | string The tag name |
{- "category": {
- "id": 0
}, - "description": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "category": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
Create a new tag category
description | string The category description |
name required | string The category name |
description | string The category description |
id required | integer <int64> The id for the tag category |
name required | string The category name |
{- "description": "string",
- "name": "string"
{- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
Retrieves a single tag
id required | integer <int64> id |
object (TagCategory) | |
description | string The tag description |
id required | integer <int64> The id for the tag |
name required | string The tag name |
{- "category": {
- "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "description": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
Retrieves a list of companies that have the given tag applied
tagId required | integer <int64> tagId |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
Array of objects (TaggedCompany) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "companies": [
- {
- "company": {
- "company_name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "id": 0
}, - "date_applied": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Retrieves a list of contacts that have the given tag applied
tagId required | integer <int64> tagId |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
Array of objects (TaggedContact) | |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
{- "contacts": [
- {
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "date_applied": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string"
Apply a tag to a list of contacts
tagId required | integer <int64> tagId |
ids | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] |
{- "ids": [
- 0
[- {
- "key": "SUCCESS"
Remove a tag from a list of contacts
tagId required | integer <int64> tagId |
ids required | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] ids |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Remove a tag from a Contact
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId |
tagId required | integer <int64> tagId |
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Retrieves a list of all tasks using the specified search criteria
completed | boolean Sets completed status of items to return |
contact_id | integer <int64> contact_id |
has_due_date | boolean has_due_date |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
order | string Attribute to order items by |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
user_id | integer <int64> user_id |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
sync_token | string |
Array of objects (Task) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "sync_token": "string",
- "tasks": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
Creates a new task as the authenticated user.
Note: Contact must contain at least one item in the fields title
and due_date
All other attributes are optional.
This endpoint does not currently support setting Custom Field values.
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
Get the custom fields for the Task object
Array of objects (CustomFieldMetaData) | |
optional_properties | Array of strings |
{- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
], - "optional_properties": [
- "string"
Creates a custom field of the specified type and options to the Task object
field_type required | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
group_id | integer <int64> An optional tab group to place the field under in the interface. If not specified, will default to the 'Custom Fields' tab. |
label required | string |
Array of objects (CreateRestCustomFieldOption) | |
user_group_id | integer <int64> An optional user group to choose from when selecting values for User or UserListBox fields. |
default_value | string |
field_name | string |
field_type | string Enum: "Currency" "Date" "DateTime" "DayOfWeek" "Drilldown" "Email" "Month" "ListBox" "Name" "WholeNumber" "DecimalNumber" "Percent" "PhoneNumber" "Radio" "Dropdown" "SocialSecurityNumber" "State" "Text" "TextArea" "User" "UserListBox" "Website" "Year" "YesNo" |
id | integer <int64> |
label | string |
Array of objects (CustomFieldOption) | |
{- "field_type": "Currency",
- "group_id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "user_group_id": 0
{- "default_value": "string",
- "field_name": "string",
- "field_type": "Currency",
- "id": 0,
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "label": "string",
- "options": [
- { }
], - "record_type": "CONTACT"
Retrieves Tasks belonging to the authenticated user using the specified search criteria
completed | boolean Sets completed status of items to return |
contact_id | integer <int64> Returns tasks for the provided contact id |
has_due_date | boolean Returns tasks that have an 'action date' when set to true |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
order | string Attribute to order items by |
since | string Date to start searching from ex. |
until | string Date to search to ex. |
user_id | integer <int64> Returns tasks for the provided user id |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
sync_token | string |
Array of objects (Task) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "sync_token": "string",
- "tasks": [
- {
- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
Retrieves a single task
taskId required | string taskId |
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
Replaces a task with the values provided in the request. This endpoint does not currently support updating Custom Field values.
taskId required | string taskId |
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
{- "cause": {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
}, - "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- {
- "cause": { },
- "localizedMessage": "string",
- "message": "string",
- "stackTrace": [
- {
- "classLoaderName": "string",
- "className": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "lineNumber": 0,
- "methodName": "string",
- "moduleName": "string",
- "moduleVersion": "string",
- "nativeMethod": true
], - "suppressed": [
- { }
Updates a task with only the values provided in the request. This endpoint does not currently support updating Custom Field values.
taskId required | string taskId |
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
completed | boolean |
completion_date | string <date-time> |
object (BasicContact) | |
creation_date | string <date-time> |
description | string |
due_date | string <date-time> |
funnel_id | integer <int64> |
jgraph_id | integer <int64> |
modification_date | string <date-time> |
priority | integer <int32> |
remind_time | integer <int32> Value in minutes before start_date to show pop-up reminder. |
title | string |
type | string |
url | string |
user_id | integer <int64> |
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
{- "completed": true,
- "completion_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "contact": {
- "email": "string",
- "first_name": "string",
- "id": 0,
- "last_name": "string"
}, - "creation_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "description": "string",
- "due_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "funnel_id": 0,
- "jgraph_id": 0,
- "modification_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "priority": 0,
- "remind_time": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "user_id": 0
Retrieves information for the current authenticated end-user, as outlined by the OpenID Connect specification.
email required | string |
family_name required | string |
given_name required | string |
global_user_id required | integer <int64> |
infusionsoft_id required | string |
is_admin | boolean |
middle_name | string |
preferred_name | string |
sub required | string |
{- "email": "string",
- "family_name": "string",
- "given_name": "string",
- "global_user_id": 0,
- "infusionsoft_id": "string",
- "is_admin": true,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "preferred_name": "string",
- "sub": "string"
Retrieves a list of all users
include_inactive | boolean Include users that are Inactive in results, defaults to TRUE |
include_partners | boolean Include partner users in results, defaults to TRUE |
limit | integer <int32> Sets a total of items to return |
offset | integer <int32> Sets a beginning range of items to return |
count | integer <int32> |
next | string |
previous | string |
Array of objects (RestUser) |
{- "count": 0,
- "next": "string",
- "previous": "string",
- "users": [
- {
- "address": {
- "country_code": "string",
- "line1": "string",
- "line2": "string",
- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
}, - "company_name": "string",
- "created_by": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "email_address": "string",
- "family_name": "string",
- "fax_numbers": [
- {
- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
- "global_user_id": 0,
- "id": 0,
- "infusionsoft_id": "string",
- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": 0,
- "middle_name": "string",
- "partner": true,
- "phone_numbers": [
- {
- "extension": "string",
- "field": "PHONE1",
- "number": "string",
- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "preferred_name": "string",
- "status": "Active",
- "time_zone": "string",
- "website": "string"
Creates a new user record. NB: Users will be invited to the application and remain in the "Invited" status until the user accepts the invite. "Inactive" users will not take up a user license.
admin | boolean |
email required | string |
given_name required | string |
partner | boolean |
object (Address) | |
company_name | string |
created_by | integer <int64> |
date_created | string <date-time> |
email_address | string |
family_name | string |
Array of objects (FaxNumber) | |
given_name | string |
global_user_id | integer <int64> |
id required | integer <int64> |
infusionsoft_id | string |
job_title | string |
last_updated | string <date-time> |
last_updated_by | integer <int64> |
middle_name | string |
partner | boolean |
Array of objects (PhoneNumber) | |
preferred_name | string |
status | string Enum: "Active" "Invited" "Inactive" |
time_zone | string |
website | string |
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- "locality": "string",
- "region": "string",
- "zip_code": "string",
- "zip_four": "string"
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- "created_by": 0,
- "date_created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
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- "field": "FAX1",
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
], - "given_name": "string",
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- "id": 0,
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- "job_title": "string",
- "last_updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "last_updated_by": 0,
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- "partner": true,
- "phone_numbers": [
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- "number_e164": "string",
- "type": "string"
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- "website": "string"